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Batman Arkham KnightBatman | Bradygames | PC | Playstation 4 | Xbox One
Batman 3 Lego : Au-delà de GothamAventure - Action | Batman | Nintendo 3DS | PC | Playstation 3 | Playstation 4 | Primagames | PS Vita | Wii U | Xbox 360 | Xbox One
Batman Arkham OriginsBatman | Bradygames | Nintendo 3DS | PC | Playstation 3 | PS Vita | Wii U | Xbox 360
Batman Arkham CityAventure - Action | Batman | Bradygames | PC | Playstation 3 | Wii U | Xbox 360
  • Batman Arkham Knight
  • Batman 3 Lego : Au-delà de Gotham
  • Batman Arkham Origins
  • Batman Arkham City
  • Batman : Arkham Asylum
